Interactive Cloud Cosmology with PyCosmo and the PyCosmoHub

PyCosmo is a Python-​based framework providing theoretical predictions for cosmological analyses. It is unique in its interactive, user-​friendly interface, the PyCosmo Hub. Being fast and accurate, PyCosmo represents a powerful research tool in the new era of collaborative precision Cosmology.

by Ana Milena Ramirez Barrero

Current and upcoming cosmological surveys use wide-field observations to investigate the nature of dark matter, dark energy and large scale gravity. These experiments achieve high precision in the measurement of observables and cosmological parameters. To interpret these results it is essential that theoretical predictions for a wide set of cosmological models and parameters have a matching precision. For this reason we developed PyCosmo, an open-source Python-based framework providing theoretical predictions and an interactive, user-friendly interface for this era of collaborative precision Cosmology.
PyCosmo can be used to compute background quantities, linear and non-linear perturbations and observables (Tarsitano et al., 2020, external pageht­tps://
At the core of most cosmological analyses are the Einstein-Boltzmann Equations, which govern the linear evolution of perturbations in the Universe: PyCosmo computes solutions to them, introducing a novel architecture based on symbolic manipulations, automatic generation of C++ code and sparsity optimization (Refregier et al., 2017 external page . This architecture provides a convenient interface to implement and extend new models.
Information and documentation on PyCosmo and its publicly available version can be found at PyCosmo is also available on the PyCosmo Hub , an interactive platform where users can work without the need of installing any software, share their research online and save their results locally. The Hub includes Jupyter notebooks showing how to use the code, making it ideal for demos, tutorial sessions, teaching and interactive research.

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